Wednesday, December 31, 2008 happened

Honestly this has been the worst year ever.
Not so much in the beginning but the end suck. major.

Here are lots of low lights and some highs. all mix together.

-lost one of my best friends to her own stupidness ( if that even a word)
-found out i was going to be an aunt
-only got one letter from my birth mom after she said she write every month
-more friends move far away
-didn't really make any new friends
-didn't grow closer to my family

that just a few, i don't want to name them all.
i have hope for 2009 but really who doesn't

So far I planned to do the follow:

-workout everyday and loose weight (who doesn't)
-write my birth mom once a month (that will be the hardest)
-read the bible at least once a day
-start going to therapy for adoption and my ex.

So Good luck to me and to you.
Happy New Year!

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