Monday, December 14, 2009


Life is funny, and I know a lot of people say that but really my life never seem to stay the same. Sometimes it good to have stable things going in my life but most of the time it drives me crazy. Because I want things to be different and exciting, like other people lives.

For a couple weeks, I kept saying, "God, I need a freaking miracle."

I believe I am watching a miracle un-folding.

It a beautiful thing

I sometimes, cannot believe how amazing our God is, How He really is there for each one of his children. How most of my life is a lot of little mixstakes yet he still there, giving me things, I don't really deserve.

Isn't Jesus, just the best?
Isn't the wonder of prayer just awesome?

Prayer is such a powerful thing, I forget that all the time because I don't really pray how much as I should. When prayers are answers, it just so humble-ing.

It just plain beautiful.