Friday, January 30, 2009

Cora Mac

This sweet little baby girl named, Cora, as gone threw so much in her little life. She has cancer. She not even one yet. She started getting ear infections after ear infections and black eyes, they didn't know how she was getting them. The doctor did some blood work and took an x-ray of her abdomen where he found that liver was enlarged. The parents took her to a different doctor where he could test her and he found a "mass" by her kidney and spots on her liver. The next day, from the CT scan they could see a tumor next to her kidney and spots on her liver. Cora would need surgery to remove the tumor, take a bone marrow sample, and put a cath in for chemo treatments. She had her surgey to remove the tumor and the doctor said that it did look like Neuroblastoma (a form of cancer). A couple more surgeys and still the cancer is stage 4 and has spread to other parts of her body. She started chemo last night.

Please pray for her. She so young. The Doctor does believe that since she under 12 months, she has a better chance. Also, pray for the parents, they need all the strenght, they can get.

As you can see, she had enough.

They do have a blog and they do put updates on it and their prayer needs.

God bless that family.

1 comment:

carissa... brown eyed fox said...

we have been praying for Cora...

our little girls have been touched deeply... and have been keeping her in their prayers too!